Hi! I'm James Baxter, a software developer

Highly available and scalable systems
Agile management


Over 10 years managing product development, internal infrastructure and SaaS at a software house in the UK. We successfully delivered document management solutions for financial institutions around the world.

I now live in Brisbane, Australia and am getting back to my roots as a Software Developer.


As Development Manager at EFS Technology the infrastructure, products and processes I developed enabled the company to expand into international markets and triple revenue.

Backend Development

Development Methodology

Solution Architecture

SaaS Bootstrap

Development Infrastructure

Game Development

About Me

My studies at the University of Newcastle upon Type gave me a rich and diverse understanding of computing, and my experience in industry has given me appreciation for the nuances of commerce.

Other than a keen interest in the non-stop world of software, I enjoy motorbikes and reading about behavioural economics and macroeconomics.


Please contact me to discuss how I can help resolve your problems or improve your processes according to my specialities